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Technical limitations

This lists covers limitations for rules, applications, fields, and other features.

All values are per organization.

Feature Limit
Application name length (characters) 350
Group name length (characters) 350
mTLS root certificates count 50
mTLS certificates name length (characters) 350
Service Token name length 350
IdP name length (characters) 350
Application URL length (characters) <= 63
Team Domain max length (characters) <= 63

Cloudflare Tunnel limitations

All values are per account.

Feature Limit
Tunnels per account 1000
IP routes per account 1000
Active cloudflared replicas per tunnel 25

Account defaults

Feature Limit
Applications count 500
Audit Logpush jobs 5
DNS Logpush jobs 5
Email addresses per rule 1000
Group count 300
Group size 1000
HTTP Logpush jobs 5
IP addresses per rule 1000
Lists: total number of lists 100
Locations 250
Number of HTTP policies per account 500
Number of DNS policies per account 500
Number of network policies per account 500
Service Tokens count 500
IdP count 50
Rules count per application 1000
Rules count per group 1000