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Manual deployment

If you plan to direct your users to manually download and configure the WARP client, users will need to connect the client to your organization’s Cloudflare Zero Trust instance.

Before you start, you will need to download and install the Cloudflare root certificate .

On Windows and Mac

End users will need to log in to Cloudflare Zero Trust by following these instructions:

  1. Click on the Cloudflare logo in the menu bar.
  2. Click the gear icon.
  3. Navigate to Preferences > Account.
  4. Click Login with Cloudflare for Teams.
  5. Enter your team name .
  6. Complete the authentication steps required by your organization.

On Linux

End users will need to log in to Cloudflare Zero Trust by following these instructions:

  1. Open a terminal window.
  2. Run warp-cli teams-enroll <your team name> to enroll into Cloudflare Zero Trust using your organization’s team name .
  3. Complete the authentication steps required by your organization in the browser window that opens.
  4. Return to your terminal window and run warp-cli enable-always-on to toggle WARP to always stay connected.

For more information on all available Linux commands, run warp-cli --help.

On iOS, Android and ChromeOS

End users will need to log in to Cloudflare Zero Trust by following these instructions:

  1. Find the application and tap to launch it.
  2. Tap the menu bar icon.
  3. Tap Account.
  4. Tap Login with Cloudflare for Teams.
  5. Enter your team name .
  6. Complete the authentication steps required by your organization.