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With Cloudflare Zero Trust, you can create lists of URLs or hostnames to reference when creating Secure Web Gateway policies . This allows you to quickly create rules that match and take actions against several items at once.

You can create a list by:

Creating a list from a CSV file

If you’d like to test how this feature works, here is a sample CSV file . You can upload it to the Zero Trust dashboard following the instructions below:

  1. On the Zero Trust dashboard, navigate to Gateway > Lists.

  2. Click Upload CSV.

    Upload CSV

  3. Next, specify a List name, enter an optional description, and choose URLs as the List type.

  4. Drag and drop a file into the CSV File window, or click Select a file.

  5. Click Create.

Your list will now appear in the Lists page.

Creating a manual list

  1. On the Zero Trust dashboard, navigate to Gateway > Lists.

  2. Click Create manual list.

    Manual list

  3. Next, specify a List name, enter an optional description, and choose URLs as the List type.

  4. Enter your elements manually in the Add entries field.

  5. Click Save.

Editing a list

  1. In the Lists page, locate the list you want to edit.

  2. Click Edit. This will allow you to:

    • Edit your list details (name and description) by clicking on the three-dots menu to the right of your list’s name.
    • Delete the list by clicking on the three-dots menu to the right of your list’s name.
    • Delete individual entries.
    • Manually add entries to your list.
  3. Once you’ve edited your list, click Save.