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API commands

Cloudflare Waiting Rooms redirect visitors to virtual waiting rooms when they are trying to access web pages that have high volumes of traffic.

The Cloudflare Waiting Room API provides an interface for programmatically managing waiting rooms.

Request URL format

To invoke a Cloudflare Waiting Room API operation, append the endpoint to the Cloudflare API base URL:

For authentication instructions, refer to Getting Started: Requests in the Cloudflare API documentation.

For help with endpoints and pagination, refer to Getting Started: Endpoints.

Manage your waiting room

Operation Method + URL stub Notes
List Waiting Rooms GET zones/{:zone_identifier}/waiting_rooms List all waiting rooms for a zone.
Create Waiting Room POST zones/{:zone_identifier}/waiting_rooms Create a waiting room.
Waiting Room Details GET zones/{:zone_identifier}/waiting_rooms/{:identifier} Fetch a waiting room.
Update a Waiting Room PUT zones/{:zone_identifier}/waiting_rooms/{:identifier} Update a waiting room.
Delete a Waiting Room DELETE zones/{:zone_identifier}/waiting_rooms/{:identifier} Delete a waiting room.
Patch a Waiting Room PATCH zones/{:zone_identifier}/waiting_rooms/{:identifier} Patch a configured waiting room.

Fetch the current status of a waiting room

Operation Method + URL stub Notes
Get the current status of a waiting room GET zones/{:zone_identifier}/waiting_rooms/{:identifier}/status
  • Returns queueing if the queue is activated (clients are put in the waiting room).
  • Returns not_queueing if the queue is not activated or if the waiting room is suspended.