Deliver an HTML page from an HTML string directly inside the Worker script.
Return JSON directly from a Worker script, useful for building APIs and middleware.
Send a request to a remote server, read HTML from the response, and serve that HTML.
Send a GET request and read in JSON from the response. Use to fetch external data.
Redirect requests from one URL to another or from one set of URLs to another set.
Access custom Cloudflare properties and control how Cloudflare features are applied to every request.
Respond to the Worker request with the response from another website (example.com in this example).
Set up an A/B test by controlling what response is served based on cookies. This version supports passing the request through to test and control on the origin, bypassing random assignment.
Send two GET request to two urls and aggregates the responses into one response.
Change the headers sent in a request or returned in a response.
Allow or deny a request based on a known pre-shared key in a header. This is not meant to replace the WebCrypto API.
Inspects the incoming request's TLS version and blocks if under TLSv1.2.
Resolve requests to your domain to a set of proxy third-party origin URLs.
Redirect requests to certain URLs based on a mapped object to the request's URL.
Cache POST requests using the Cache API.
Determine how to cache a resource by setting TTLs, custom cache keys, and cache headers in a fetch request.
Return a response based on the incoming request's URL, HTTP method, User Agent, IP address, ASN or device type.
Given the cookie name, get the value of a cookie. You can also use cookies for A/B testing.
Add the necessary CORS headers to a third party API response.
Redirect a response based on the country code in the header of a visitor.
Protect sensitive data to prevent data loss, and send alerts to a webhooks server in the event of a data breach.
Send debugging information in an errored response to a logging service.
Personalize website styling based on localized user time.
Get all geolocation data fields and display them in HTML.
Fetch weather data from an API using the user's geolocation data.
Block other websites from linking to your content. This is useful for protecting images.
Shows how to restrict access using the HTTP Basic schema.
Push static assets to a client's browser without waiting for HTML to render.
Examine the contents of a Headers object by logging to console with a Map.
Create a modified request with edited properties based off of an incoming request.
Fetch and modify response properties which are immutable by creating a copy first.
Set multiple Cron Triggers on three different schedules.
Send a POST request with JSON data. Use to share data with external servers.
Serve an HTML form, then read POST requests. Use also to read JSON or POST data from an incoming request.
Rewrite URL links in HTML using the HTMLRewriter. This is useful for JAMstack websites.
Set common security headers (X-XSS-Protection, X-Frame-Options, X-Content-Type-Options, Permissions-Policy, Referrer-Policy, Strict-Transport-Security, Content-Security-Policy).
Set a Cron Trigger for your Worker.
Sign and verify a request using the HMAC and SHA-256 algorithms or return a 403.
Use the Cache API to store responses in Cloudflare's cache.