Firewall fields
The Firewall fields contain rules to block requests that contain specific types of content.
Value |
Action |
Description |
unknown |
Unknown |
Take no other action. |
allow |
Allow |
Bypass all subsequent rules. |
block |
Drop |
Block with an HTTP 403 response. |
challenge |
Challenge Drop |
Issue a CAPTCHA challenge. |
jschallenge |
Challenge Drop |
Issue a JS challenge. |
log |
Log |
Take no action other than logging the event. |
connectionClose |
Close |
Close connection. |
challengeSolved |
Allow |
Allow once CAPTCHA challenge solved. |
challengeFailed |
Drop |
Block following invalid CAPTCHA solve attempt. |
challengeBypassed |
Allow |
CAPTCHA challenge not issued because visitor had previously passed a CAPTCHA challenge. |
jschallengeSolved |
Allow |
Allow once JS challenge solved. |
jschallengeFailed |
Drop |
Drop if JS challenge failed. |
jschallengeBypassed |
Allow |
JS challenge not issued because the visitor had previously passed a JS or CAPTCHA challenge. |
bypass |
Allow |
Bypass all subsequent firewall rules. |
managedChallenge |
Challenge Drop |
Issue managed challenge. |
managedChallengeSkipped |
Allow |
Skip managed challenge and allow. |
managedChallengeNonInteractiveSolved |
Allow |
Allow once the managed challenge is solved via non-interactive interstitial page. |
managedChallengeInteractiveSolved |
Allow |
Allow once the managed challenged is solved via interactive interstitial page. |
managedChallengeBypassed |
Allow |
Challenge was not presented because visitor had clearance from previous challenge. |
Value |
Description |
unknown |
Used if an event is received from a new source but the logging system has not been updated. |
asn |
Allow or block based on autonomous system number. |
country |
Allow or block based on country. |
ip |
Allow or block based on IP address. |
ipRange |
Allow or block based on range of IP addresses. |
securityLevel |
Allow or block based on requester’s security level. |
zoneLockdown |
Restrict all access to a specific zone. |
waf |
Allow or block based on the WAF product settings. This is the WAF/managed rules system that is being phased out. |
firewallRules |
Allow or block based on a zone’s firewall rules configuration. |
uaBlock |
Allow or block based on the Cloudflare User Agent Blocking product settings. |
rateLimit |
Allow or block based on a rate limiting rule, whether set by you or by Cloudflare. |
bic |
Allow or block based on the Browser Integrity Check product settings. |
hot |
Allow or block based on the Hotlink Protection product settings. |
l7ddos |
Allow or block based on the L7 DDoS product settings. |
validation |
Allow or block based on a request that is invalid (cannot be customized.) |
botFight |
Allow or block based on the Bot Fight Mode (classic) product settings. |
botManagement |
Allow or block based on the Bot Management product settings. |
dlp |
Allow or block based on the Data Loss Prevention product settings. |
firewallManaged |
Allow or block based on the Firewall Managed Rules product settings. |
firewallCustom |
Allow or block based on a rule configured in the Firewall Custom Rulesets. |